Category: IIIDConversation
IIID Conversation with Angela Morelli: Visualising climate science, Thu, 20 Mar 2025 17:00 – 18:00 UTC
How can we use Design to foster clarity in a landscape where complexity and confusion can unintentionally fuel misinformation? Through case studies, Angela will share her journey in visualising climate science to inform decisions, create engagement, and capture the imagination of an audience.
IIID Conversation with David Sless: Between ritual and reality, 5 December 2024, 09:00 UTC
Rituals may be awesome and reassuring, but they don’t make the world safer. Today information design is playing an ever-increasing role in trying to make real life safer and easier for people. But we need to distinguish between the rituals that only reassure and the designed information that really helps.
IIID Conversation: Visualizing Public Broadcast News, 17 Oct 2024, 17:00 UTC
The daily flow of breaking news is channelled according to television’s editorial principles. These principles determine the order and duration of the news. Identifying simple patterns could bring important value, as public television reaches large numbers of the population.
IIID Conversation: Legibility of pictograms for healthcare, 12 Sep 2024, 15:00 UTC
Pharmaceutical pictograms and other graphic symbols are increasingly used to convey critical health information, but their design can be challenging due to the complexity and small size required. This time, Pia Pedersen will share her insights into the legible use of pictograms in healthcare.
IIID Conversation with Wolfe Erikson: The Future of Care, 23 May 2024, 17:00 UTC
Wolfe Erikson will talk about the complexities of what it means to navigate the US medical system as a person with chronic and / or disabling health concerns.
IIID Conversation with Gillian Harvey, 5 October 2023, 15:00 UTC
Gillian Harvey will discuss two projects designed to increase empathy and reduce stigma toward people who experience addiction.
IIID Conversation with Sigitas Gužauskas, 6 July 2023, 15:00 UTC
To enhance clarity, information design often simplifies complex real-world phenomena into basic visual representations. By adding an experiential layer to the dry data, designers can aim to captivate a wider audience and offer a broader range of interpretations.