Membership info

Types of membership

* ODA recipient countries:

Why you should join IIID

  • Connect with other information design practitioners, researchers, academics and businesses in the international information design community.
  • Receive our regular email newsletters “Community Notes” about the Institute’s events and activities, information from the worldwide network as well as posting your own news that may be of interest to the IIID community.
  • Share articles, thoughts, comments, books, research, and event information with the worldwide IIID community. Talk with information designers about innovations, ideas and practice in our field.
  • Represent IIID in your region as World Regional Representative (WRR) and be our link to what’s happening in your area. Your news informs the international community, and you can represent the IIID at local events.
  • Enter the IIIDAward with special access to early bird entry.
  • Be part of a working group and help shape the future of information design. The IIID organizes conferences, talks, or the IIID award on a regular basis. We also welcome initiatives such as regional events or groups on specific topics.
    You could be part of the team organising a conference or online talks, or join activities in specific subject areas. (examples from our discussions: VP conference, IIID Conversations in other languages, Archive/publications, Education, Pop-up group for specific issues).
  • As a full paying member you have the right to vote at the General Assembly and join the Executive Board.
  • Access to presentations after a conference, even if you were not able to attend.
  • Book list
  • Research
Information for Member Organisations (Business, Education, NFP)
  • Students and staff of the organisation have the right to participate in IIID events at special member conditions.
  • One person represents the organization, he/she can vote in the General Assembly or be a IIID Board member.
  • The representative receives the access code to any online settings or file downloads available for members.